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Best Robot Vacuums of 2024

By: Sheryl Cannes
Updated on: January 05, 2024

When robot vacuums first hit the market, they were glitchy and low on suction power. Today’s models are far more impressive with strong suction and advanced programming that makes a noticeable dent in dirt levels.

All robotic vacuums automatically dock when their battery starts to run low, but that’s only the beginning. They’re loaded with sensors to avoid obstacles and traverse different flooring types, while smart models map and remember your home layout. If you’re looking for extra perks or variety, some models self-empty and mop, too.

While their cleaning abilities aren’t the same as a high-quality upright vacuum, they’re an excellent way to keep pet hair at bay and get a head start on daily cleaning. We’ve picked and reviewed five of the best robot vacuums on the market. These models stand out in their cleaning abilities, features, and reliability. We’ve also created a shopping guide to help you find the perfect model for your home.

5 Best Robot Vacuums of 2024

Best Robot Vacuum Overall
eufy RoboVac 11S Max
Photo: Amazon

The RoboVac 11S Max balances cleaning power with effectiveness and price. It takes on bare floors like a pro, has a long battery life, and balances performance and price.

$250 on
Photo: Amazon

Best Robot Vacuum Overall: eufy RoboVac 11S MAX

Best Budget Robot Vacuum: GOOVI 1600PA Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Best Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair: Amarey A800 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Best Robot Vacuum/Mop Combo: Roborock E25 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Best Floor Washing Robot: Shinebot W400 Floor Washing Robot

Best Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair
Photo: Amarey
Best Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair
Amarey A800 Robot Vacuum Cleaner
  • Low, 2.7-inch profile for fitting under furniture and cabinet edges
  • Four cleaning modes — spot, automatic, max, and edge
  • 3-layer filter system keeps pet hair and dander from re-entering the air
$170 from

The Amarey A800’s three-layer filter system makes it a heavy hitter when it comes to pet hair. The system includes a washable prefilter, sponge, and a high-efficiency filter that prevents allergens from recirculating. This model’s side brushes get high marks because they move pet hair toward the vacuum’s strong suction.

The A800’s four cleaning modes — auto, spot, edge, and max vacuum — target problem areas based on your needs. For example, if you didn’t have a chance to sweep the edges, then edge mode it is, or if your cat’s gone on the rampage, put it on max to get fur balls under control. Pet owners also know that pet hair knows no bounds, and this model seeks it out in tough to reach places with its thin, 2.7-inch profile.

Tip: Robot vacuums need regular maintenance like removing hair, strings, and debris from the wheels, brushes, and rollers.

Best Robot Vacuum/Mop Combo
Photo: Roborock
Best Robot Vacuum/Mop Combo
Roborock E25 Robot Vacuum Cleaner
  • Choose to either vacuum, mop, or both
  • Extra-large dust bin requires less emptying
  • Smart home connectivity for remote control from anywhere
$279.99 from

The Roborock E25 brings smart features to the robot vacuum scene. Connect the E25 to the Mi Home smartphone app, and you can spot clean, change movement patterns, adjust the schedule, or check on the power status. You can even set a different cleaning schedule for each day. If your home is already connected to smart devices like Amazon Alexa, the E25 can be controlled by their complementary voice commands.

However, this model is versatile in other ways too. It’s a mop hybrid that both vacuums and mops. You can set it to do either one or both at the same time, making it the perfect model to keep a good shine on hardwood floors. An extra-large dust bin collects the debris and holds a high volume. However, the dirt level in your home will determine the frequency with which you’ll need to empty it.

The E25 uses a combination of electric eye tracking and dual gyroscopes to plan a route and cut down on missed areas. With its large wheelbase, it navigates changes in floor height up to .79 inches.

Tip: Even the best robot vacuum can’t survive being sat on, ridden, and attacked. It’s best to run them when young children and pets aren’t around.

Best Floor Washing Robot
Photo: Shinebot
Best Floor Washing Robot
Shinebot W400 Floor Washing Robot
  • Large dirty water tank to clean big and/or wet rooms
  • Four modes — path, area, spot, edge — to optimize cleaning
  • Carrying handle to easily move Shinebot from one location to another
$249.99 from

The Shinebot W400 doesn’t vacuum; it mops and washes floors. This model covers a lot of ground with two tanks — one for clean water and one for dirty — with the capacity to clean large floors or heavily wet ones like in the bathroom or kitchen.

Four cleaning modes let you target a specific area or do general cleaning sessions. It even has a spot and edge mode to take on tough stains or problem areas.

When full, washing robots can be tricky to move. The Shinebot’s carrying handle makes it easier to move throughout the house without spilling.

What is a Robotic Vacuum, and How Does it Work?

Robotic vacuums run independently with side brushes to push dirt and debris into the vacuum as well as brushes underneath to further loosen particles. They have sensors to detect obstacles, and most models have several modes, so you can find a cleaning pattern that works for your house.

Once programmed, a robot vacuum systematically moves throughout a room, avoiding obstacles as it picks up debris. They automatically return to their charging station when the battery gets low, so they’re waiting for you to empty them when you wake up in the morning or get home from work.

Some of these mobile devices follow voice commands, empty their own dust bins, and don’t get stranded with a low battery. These handy gadgets are designed to supplement the deeper cleaning power of full-size uprights and canister vacuums.

Features to Consider in the Best Robot Vacuum

Smart/Wi-Fi ConnectivitySmart and/or Wi-Fi connectivity provides a new level of control that allows you to adjust settings and schedules via an app on your phone. In some cases, you can use voice controls through Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.

One of the more advanced features on some of these models includes GPS mapping and tracking to create floor plans of your home. These virtual maps guide the vacuum through the obstacle course of furniture, stairs, and walls.

These expensive models can be programmed to clean specific rooms, stop at virtual barriers, and avoid exclusion zones established by you. Generally, higher-end robot vacuums usually carry these types of features.

Multiple FunctionsSome robot vacuums sweep and mop. These two-in-one models give you extra cleaning help and save you from buying multiple devices. However, they may not have as much suction power or be as effective at mopping as a model that’s specifically designed for a single purpose.
Mapping Features and Obstacle AvoidanceRobot vacuums and mops contain a series of sensors on the underside and, sometimes, on the sides to avoid obstacles. Some models, like those with GPS tracking, create virtual maps, while others use only basic sensors to avoid collisions. Models that remember your home layout often have advanced programming features that you can use to clean different rooms at specified times.
UV Spot SterilizationUV light kills bacteria and viruses. UV spot sterilization is usually found on higher-end models designed for homes with pets.
Self-EmptyingSelf-emptying robot vacuums take even more work out of your hands. When these vacuums return to their charging stations, they also empty their own bin.
FiltersIf you have allergies or pets, look for multiple filter stages and HEPA filters that remove particles larger than 0.3 microns. You can also save money by buying models with washable filters.
Battery LifeDepending on the size of the room/house, it may take an hour or two to clean an entire floor. Most robot vacuums run at least 60 minutes, with some of the best robotic vacuums running up to 120 minutes on a single charge. Keep in mind that bigger homes will need a gadget with longer battery life.
SizeRobot vacuums have some limitations, and sliding underneath furniture is one of them. Of course, larger vacuums can hold more dirt, which means less emptying for you. However, if it’s too tall or wide, it may have a hard time cleaning in hard-to-reach places. Look for slimmer designs with heights under 2.75 to 3 inches.

What Kind of Robot Vacuum Does Your Home Need? (Based on Four Criteria)

Square FootageLarger homes need a vacuum with a longer battery life. Estimate the square footage you’d like the vacuum to cover and look for models equipped to power through that space. Robot vacuums with a 60 to 90-minute battery life often do better in small spaces, while those with over two hours of battery life are better equipped for spaces up to 2,000 square feet.You’ll also need to pay attention to the vacuum’s dust bin capacity. If you have a lot of square footage, you’ll either need a model with a large capacity or the ability to self-empty.
Flooring TypeSome robot vacs are better at cleaning certain flooring types over others. High-pile carpets, for example, need more suction than low-pile carpets. Bare and hardwood floors need a combination of powerful suction and brushes.

Hardwoods and bare floors also benefit from hybrid models that vacuum. These machines can clean spills and get debris off the floor before it has a chance to scratch or stain.

For homes with a mix of flooring surfaces, look for models with large wheels that easily transition from bare floors to carpet.

Obstacle DensityRobotic vacuums can navigate around obstacles, but they’ll miss more spots if they’re constantly readjusting their path. For the best results, clear clutter as much as possible.Models with GPS mapping, virtual maps, and other types of tracking navigate through obstacles better. However, if the floor is cleared well, standard sensors do a good job.
Pets and ChildrenPets and children are either terrified of or fascinated by robot vacs. If you’ve got either or both, look for models that give you extra control over scheduling and timing. Smart models often offer the most flexible scheduling features, but they also come with higher prices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are robot vacuums good at removing pet hair?

Most robot vacuums do an adequate job of picking up pet hair. In fact, several models do an excellent job of eliminating hair, dander, and other allergens. Look for a machine with side brushes that push hair and debris into the vacuum’s path, and HEPA filters that prevent dander and other tiny allergens from re-entering the breathable air.

Won’t a robotic vacuum fall down stairs?

Many robotic vacuums are equipped with drop sensors that detect drops in elevation. These sensors work along with the unit’s proximity sensors to prevent falls or bumps.

How often do you empty a robotic vacuum, and do you have to change filters?

First, always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for filter maintenance and how often to empty the dust bin. That being said, most filters need to be cleaned at the same time the dust bin gets emptied, which is about every third or fourth cycle. However, it depends on the size of the room and how dirty it is. You may have to empty the bin and clean filters more or less often, depending on your circumstances.

Final Advice

Robot vacuums come in a variety of price ranges from $150 to over $1,000. Basic models often offer more than enough cleaning power for most homes. But if you’re looking for premium features, the ultimate in control, and high capacity dust bins, be prepared to pay a higher price. For many people, these robotic wonders reduce workload and keep the house looking cleaner all week long.


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