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Best Place to Buy a Mattress: A Comprehensive Guide

By: Sheryl Cannes
Updated on: April 05, 2024

Are you tired of tossing and turning at night? Are you ready to invest in a good night’s sleep? Look no further! This article will explore the best places to buy a mattress, ensuring you find the perfect bed that suits your needs, preferences, and budget. From brick-and-mortar stores to online retailers, we’ll cover it all. So, let’s dive in and discover the key factors to consider when purchasing a mattress!

What Makes a Great Mattress Retailer?

Before jumping into the specific places to buy a mattress in the store name, let’s first understand what makes a general furniture store or a retailer stand out. When searching for the best place to buy a mattress in-store name, keep the following criteria in mind:

1) Wide Selection of Mattresses

A reputable mattress retailer should offer a diverse range of mattress types, sizes, and brands. This ensures that you can find a mattress selection with the perfect fit for your body and sleep preferences. Whether you prefer memory foam, latex, hybrid, or traditional innerspring mattresses, a mattress store with a wide selection allows you to explore different options and make an informed decision.

2) Competitive Pricing

Price plays a crucial role in any purchasing decision. Look for a mattress retailer that offers competitive prices without compromising on quality. Keep an eye out for online prices and in-store shopping for discounts, promotions, and bundle deals that can help you save money without compromising your sleep experience.

3) Customer Reviews and Rating

Reading customer reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the quality and reliability of a mattress retailer. Check out reputable review websites and forums to see what other customers say about their purchasing experience and the performance of the mattresses they bought. Honest feedback can help you make an informed decision and avoid potential pitfalls.

4) Excellent Customer Service

Purchasing a mattress is a significant investment, and it’s essential to have access to excellent customer service throughout the buying process. A reliable retailer will have knowledgeable staff who can answer your questions, offer guidance, and address any concerns you may have. Look for a retailer that provides exceptional customer support, both online and in-store, when shopping online or for a mattress here.

5) Warranty and Return Policy

A mattress is a long-term investment, and it’s crucial to have peace of mind knowing that your purchase is protected. A reputable mattress retailer should offer a generous warranty that covers manufacturing defects and abnormal wear. Additionally, traditional mattress stores with a flexible and customer-friendly return policy allow you to exchange or return the mattress if it doesn’t meet your expectations.

The Best Place To Buy A Mattress In 2024

Now that we understand the key factors to consider when choosing a mattress retailer, or shopping for a mattress online, let’s explore some of the best places to shop online to buy a mattress:

Online Retailers:

Online mattress retailers have become increasingly popular for purchasing mattresses due to their convenience, wide selection, and competitive pricing. Here are a few reputable online mattress retailers:

1) Amerisleep:

Amerisleep is a popular online mattress retailer known for its eco-friendly and high-quality memory foam mattresses. They offer a range of mattress models designed to cater to different sleep preferences and needs. Amerisleep mattresses are known for their advanced pressure relief and motion isolation properties. They also provide a 100-night trial period and a 20-year warranty, ensuring customer satisfaction and long-term support.

2) Casper:

Casper offers a variety of foam and hybrid mattresses known for their comfort and support. They use high-quality materials and innovative designs to provide a good balance of pressure relief and responsiveness. Casper also provides the following:

  • A 30-night trial period.
  • Allowing you to test the mattress in the comfort of your home.
  • A 10-year warranty for added peace of mind.

3) Tuft & Needle:

Tuft & Needle offers affordable foam mattresses that have garnered excellent customer reviews. Their mattresses are designed to provide adaptive support and pressure relief and use high-quality materials for durability. Tuft & Needle provides a 100-night trial period and a 10-year warranty on old mattresses, making it a reliable option for budget-conscious shoppers.

Brick-and-Mortar Stores:

If you prefer a hands-on experience and want to try out different mattresses before buying, a mattress online from brick-and-mortar stores can be a great option. Here are a few popular online mattress companies and retailers with physical stores:

1) Mattress Firm:

Mattress Firm is an online company and a well-known mattress retailer with stores nationwide shopping online. They offer a wide selection of mattress brands and types catering to various sleep preferences. Their knowledgeable staff can assist you in finding the right mattress for your needs.

2) Sleep Number:

Sleep Number specializes in adjustable air mattresses that allow you to customize the firmness on each side of the mattress. Sleep number mattresses are in a box on the bed, making it an excellent choice for couples with different preferences. Their mattresses have advanced sleep-tracking technology and other features such as temperature control.

3) Macy’s:

Macy’s department stores often have dedicated mattress sections where you can find a mattress delivered from various brands and types. They carry a mattress selection of both budget-friendly options and luxury mattresses, catering to different price ranges. Macy’s department stores frequently offer sales and promotions, allowing you to find a good deal on your mattress purchase.

Specialty Mattress Stores:

Specialty mattress stores focus solely on mattresses and provide a more specialized shopping experience. Here are a few popular specialty mattress store name options:

1) Tempur-Pedic:

Tempur-Pedic is known for its memory foam mattresses that offer excellent support and pressure relief. Their mattresses are designed to adapt to your body shape and provide personalized comfort. Tempur-Pedic has its own retail stores for in-person shopping, where you can try the mattress industry and out its products and receive expert advice from its staff.

2) Saatva:

Saatva specializes in luxury innerspring, foam, and hybrid mattresses. They provide an online shopping experience with the convenience of white-glove delivery, where the perfect mattress is set up for you. Saatva’s mattresses are made with high-quality materials that provide exceptional comfort and durability.

3) Purple:

Purple mattresses feature a unique gel grid that provides pressure relief, support, and temperature regulation. The grid design allows for excellent airflow, keeping you cool overnight. Purple has its own retail stores where you can try out their mattresses and experience the comfort firsthand.

Department Stores:

Department stores often have dedicated mattress store bedding sections where you can find various mattress options. Here are a couple of well-known department store such stores:

1) Sears:

Sears offers a wide selection of mattresses from different brands and types. They frequently have sales and promotions, allowing you to find a good deal on your mattress purchase. Sears provides a range of options to cater to different budgets and preferences.

2) JCPenney:

JCPenney carries various sizes and types of mattresses, including memory foam, innerspring, and hybrid options. They often offer competitive prices and have sales events throughout the year, making it a great place to shop online or in-store and find a mattress that suits your needs.

Wholesale Clubs:

Wholesale clubs are known for offering bulk items at discounted prices, and furniture stores often have mattress sections where you can find good deals selling mattresses. Here are a couple of popular wholesale clubs:

1) Costco:

Costco offers a selection of mattresses both in-store shop in-store and online. They provide competitive pricing for carry mattresses, making it a cost-effective option. Costco is known for offering high-quality products and often has exclusive member discounts on mattresses and other bedding items.

2) Sam’s Club:

Sam’s Club offers mattresses from well-known brands at discounted prices in-store only. They also provide exclusive benefits to club members for mattress purchases, such as free shipping and installation. Sam’s Club is a great option if you’re looking for a deal on a quality mattress.

Direct-to-Consumer Brands:

Direct-to-consumer online mattress companies and brands have gained popularity among many mattress companies in recent years. They cut out the middleman and sell mattresses directly to customers, allowing for competitive pricing and high-quality products. Here are a few notable direct-to-consumer mattress companies and brands:

1) Leesa:

Leesa offers foam and hybrid mattresses known for their comfort and pressure relief. Their mattresses are designed to provide optimal support and contour to your body. Leesa offers a 100-night trial period, allowing you to try the new mattress out at home, and a 10-year warranty for added peace of mind.

2) Avocado:

Avocado specializes in organic and eco-friendly mattresses made with natural materials. Their mattresses are designed to provide excellent support, breathability, and durability. Avocado offers latex and other hybrid mattress options, catering to different sleep preferences.

3) Helix:

Helix offers personalized mattresses tailored to your specific sleep preferences. They have a quick sleep quiz on their website that asks about your body type, sleep position, and other factors to recommend the right mattress. Helix’s mattresses have different comfort levels and materials to cater to individual needs.


What are some popular online mattress retailers?

Some popular online mattress retailers include Casper, Nectar, and Tuft & Needle. These retailers offer a variety of mattress types, competitive pricing, trial periods, and warranties.

Are there any brick-and-mortar stores that offer a good selection of mattresses?

Yes, there are several brick-and-mortar stores that offer a good selection of mattresses. Some examples include Mattress Firm, Sleep Number, and Macy’s. These stores allow you to try out different mattresses before making a purchase.

What are specialty mattress stores, and why should I consider them?

Specialty mattress stores focus solely on mattresses and provide a more specialized shopping experience. Examples include Tempur-Pedic, Saatva, and Purple. These stores offer mattresses with unique features and materials, providing options that may not be available in other stores.

Can I find mattresses at department stores?

Yes, department stores often have dedicated bedding sections where you can find mattresses. Stores like Sears and JCPenney offer a variety of mattress brands and types, catering to different budgets and preferences.

Are there any wholesale clubs that sell mattresses?

Yes, wholesale clubs like Costco and Sam’s Club often have mattress sections where you can find good deals on mattresses. These clubs offer discounted prices and exclusive benefits to members.

What are direct-to-consumer mattress brands, and why are they popular?

Direct-to-consumer mattress brands are online companies that sell mattresses directly to customers, cutting out the middleman. Brands like Leesa, Avocado, and Helix fall into this category. They are popular because they offer competitive pricing, high-quality products, and often provide trial periods and warranties.

Should I read customer reviews before buying a mattress?

Yes, reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and performance of a mattress. It helps you gauge the satisfaction levels of other customers and make a more informed decision.

Are there any benefits of buying a mattress online?

Buying a mattress online offers benefits such as convenience, wider selection, competitive pricing, and the ability to try the mattress at home with trial periods. It can also save you from the hassle of physically visiting multiple stores.

How can I make sure I’m getting a good deal on a mattress?

To ensure you’re getting a good deal on a mattress, compare prices across different retailers, look for discounts, promotions, and bundle deals, and take advantage of trial periods and warranties. Additionally, consider the overall value and quality of the mattress rather than just focusing on the price.


When shopping for a new mattress, it’s important to research and find the best option that suits your needs. You can look for a high-quality mattress at an affordable price in many places – from department stores and stores to direct-to-consumer brands. Every place has its own selection of mattresses, and each one offers different benefits and features. It’s important to read reviews, compare prices, and take advantage of any trial periods or warranties before purchasing. With the right information, finding the best mattress for you should be a breeze!


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