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What is an Adjustable Bed and How Does It Work?

By: Christina Davies
Updated on: April 05, 2024

  • Adjustable beds use motors, hinges, and controls to change the mattress and base angles, offering customized comfort for various activities such as sleeping, reading, or watching TV.
  • They can alleviate issues like snoring and restless leg syndrome by adjusting the bed’s position, providing relief, and promoting better sleep quality.
  • The flexibility of adjustable beds is ideal for partners with different sleep preferences, as each side can be adjusted independently.
  • Maintenance tips for an adjustable bed include regular cleaning, lubricating moving parts, checking electrical connections, and following manufacturer instructions for care to ensure longevity and optimal functionality.

Adjustable beds have become more popular in recent years due to their ability to offer customized comfort and support while sleeping or relaxing. But what exactly is an adjustable bed? In simple terms, an adjustable bed is a type of bed that allows you to adjust the position of the mattress and the base to different angles. This means that you can raise or lower various parts of the bed to find the most comfortable position for your body. This article will explore adjustable beds’ mechanics and smart features, their uses, and their benefits for a restful night’s sleep.

How Do Adjustable Beds Work?

Adjustable beds work by using a combination of motors, hinges, and controls to adjust the position of the mattress and base of the new bed. The motors are typically located at the head and foot of the bed and are responsible for raising or lowering these sections. The controls, which can be in the form of buttons or a remote, allow you to adjust the bed to your desired position.

The base of an adjustable bed is usually divided into multiple segments, such as the head, middle, and foot sections. These segments can be independently adjusted to different angles, providing various positions to suit individual preferences. For example, you can elevate the head section for reading or watching TV or raise the foot section to alleviate leg pain and improve circulation.

Electric motors are powered by electricity in electric adjustable beds, allowing for smooth and effortless adjustments of foot positions. Manual adjustable beds, on the other hand, require manual effort to adjust the position using a hand crank or lever mechanism.

What Uses Do Adjustable Beds Have?

Adjustable beds offer a range of uses beyond traditional sleep. They are ideal for activities such as watching TV, reading, working on a laptop, or simply lounging in bed. The ability to adjust the bed frame to different ergonomic positions ensures optimal comfort and reduces the risk of discomfort or strain while engaging in these activities.

Deep, Restorative Sleep

One of the key benefits of adjustable beds is their ability to enhance comfort and promote deep, restorative sleep. The Amerisleep Adjustable Bed Frame, for example, features a Zero Gravity position. In this position, the head and feet are elevated above the stomach, mimicking the sensation of weightlessness. This elevation helps relieve pressure on the body, promotes relaxation, and improves breathing and circulation during sleep. Users can experience more restful and rejuvenating sleep by achieving a comfortable and supported sleep position.

Watching TV and Working from Home

Adjustable beds are also excellent for those who enjoy watching TV or working from the comfort of their bed. By elevating the upper half of the bed frame, users can find the perfect angle for watching TV without straining their neck or back. The adjustability of the adjustable bed frames allows for a customized and ergonomic position that enhances the overall viewing experience. Similarly, for individuals working from home, an adjustable bed frame provides the flexibility to find the most comfortable position for extended laptop or tablet use.

Who Will Benefit From an Adjustable Bed?

Adjustable beds are suitable for a wide range of individuals who are seeking improved sleep quality and enhanced comfort. According to surveys, a significant portion of the population struggles with sleep-related issues, with approximately 68% of Americans experiencing difficulty falling asleep at least once a week. Adjustable beds can aid in alleviating these issues by providing personalized support and promoting better sleep hygiene.

Benefits of Adjustable Beds

The benefits of adjustable beds extend beyond comfort and convenience. They offer various benefits that can positively impact sleep quality and overall well-being.

Flexibility for Sleeping Partners

Sleeping with a partner can sometimes mean having to make compromises regarding comfort. Each individual may have different sleeping preferences and requirements. Adjustable beds, such as the Amerisleep Split King Adjustable Bed, solve this problem by allowing partners to independently adjust their side of the bed. By using two separate twin XL mattresses, each person can find their desired position and level of elevation, ensuring a comfortable and personalized sleep experience. This feature is particularly beneficial for couples who have different sleep preferences and needs but still want to enjoy the benefits of sharing a bed.

Snoring Relief

Snoring can disturb the quality of sleep for both the person who snores and their partner. Adjustable beds can help alleviate this issue by incorporating an Anti-Snore position. This position elevates the head and chest, reducing pressure on the airways and minimizing snoring. By adjusting the bed to this position, individuals can alleviate snoring and potentially improve sleep apnea symptoms. The convenience of a wireless remote control allows for easy bed adjustment, ensuring a more peaceful sleep environment for both individuals.

Customized Sleeping Positions

One of the key benefits of adjustable beds is the ability to find the perfect sleeping position. Picky sleepers or those who struggle to find a comfortable position during the night can benefit greatly from an adjustable bed frame. Unlike traditional mattresses and pillows that may shift or deflate during the night, an adjustable bed provides consistent support and elevation. This helps ensure your entire spine stays aligned and supported while you fall asleep, lowering the chance of waking up with a sore or stiff neck.

Restless Leg Syndrome Relief

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep. The symptoms of RLS, such as itching, throbbing, and shaking, are known to worsen during the night, hindering a good night’s sleep. Elevating the legs at a 45° angle can help alleviate these symptoms and promote relaxation for the lower and upper body together. Adjustable beds provide a reliable option for maintaining proper leg elevation throughout the night, ensuring a more restful sleep for individuals with RLS.

Sleep Paralysis Management

Sleep paralysis is when a person temporarily can’t move or speak while moving between being asleep and awake. This condition can be distressing and often accompanied by auditory or visual hallucinations. Adjustable beds can potentially minimize sleep paralysis episodes by enabling users to adjust their sleeping position. Sleeping on the back is often associated with a higher likelihood of experiencing sleep paralysis. By tilting the bed at an upward angle, individuals may find that sleep paralysis occurs less frequently, reducing the fear and hallucinations associated with this condition.

See Also: Best Mattress For Adjustable Beds

Factors to consider when buying an adjustable bed

When purchasing an adjustable bed, there are various aspects to think about to ensure you choose the best option for your requirements. Here are some important factors to keep in mind for the best adjustable bed:

  • Size: Adjustable beds come in various sizes, including Twin XL, Queen, King, Full, and California King. Consider your bedroom size and your sleeping preferences to decide on the most suitable size for you.
  • Mattress compatibility: Not every mattress works well with adjustable beds. Ensure that the mattress you choose is specifically designed or compatible with adjustable bed bases to avoid any issues with fit or functionality.
  • Motor quality and noise: Look for adjustable beds with high-quality motors that provide smooth and quiet operation. No one wants to be disturbed by loud motor noises while trying to sleep or relax.
  • Controls and ease of use: Consider the type of controls the adjustable bed offers and ensure that they are user-friendly and easy to operate. Most users prefer remote controls with clear buttons and intuitive functions.
  • Additional features: Some adjustable beds include built-in USB ports, under-bed lighting, or even wireless charging capabilities. Assess which features are important to you and choose a bed that offers them.

Adjustable bed accessories and additional features

In addition to the adjustable bed itself, various accessories for adjustable mattresses and additional features can enhance your sleeping experience. Here are some popular accessories and features to consider:

  • Mattress toppers: Mattress toppers can provide an extra layer of cushioning and comfort to your adjustable bed. They are available in various materials and thicknesses to suit different preferences.
  • Pillows: Choose pillows that are specifically designed for use with adjustable beds. These pillows are often adjustable themselves, allowing you to find the perfect level of support for your neck and head.
  • Side rails: Side rails can be attached to the adjustable bed to prevent accidental falls, particularly for individuals with mobility issues or prone to rolling off the bed.
  • Smartphone integration: Some adjustable beds offer smartphone integration, allowing you to control the bed’s position, massage functions, and other features through a dedicated app.
  • Under-bed storage: If your bedroom has limited storage space, consider an adjustable bed with under-bed storage. This feature provides extra space for storing pillows, blankets, or other items.

Tips for maintaining and caring for an adjustable bed

For your adjustable bed to last longer and work well, it’s crucial to follow specific maintenance and care guidelines. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Regularly clean the bed base: Dust and debris can accumulate on the bed base, so it is important to clean it regularly. Use a vacuum cleaner or soft cloth to remove any dirt or particles.
  • Lubricate moving parts: Over time, the moving parts of an adjustable bed may start to squeak or become stiff. Apply a lubricant to the hinges and joints to keep them in good working condition.
  • Check the electrical connections: If you have an electric adjustable bed, periodically check the electrical connections to ensure they are secure. Loose connections can cause the bed to malfunction.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Different adjustable beds may have specific care instructions, so it is important to read and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and care.
  • Protect the mattress: Use a mattress protector to safeguard your mattress from spills or stains, ensuring it stays clean and prolongs its comfort and lifespan.

FAQs about What is an Adjustable Bed

Are adjustable beds only for older people?

No, adjustable beds can benefit people of all ages. They are particularly beneficial for those with medical conditions or individuals who desire personalized comfort and support while sleeping or relaxing.

Can I use my existing mattress with an adjustable bed?

It depends on the type of mattress you have. Most memory foam, latex, and air mattresses are compatible with adjustable beds. However, traditional innerspring mattresses may not provide optimal flexibility for adjustable bases.

Are adjustable beds noisy?

Modern adjustable beds are made to operate quietly. However, some noise may be present when the adjustable bed base is adjusting its position. Look for adjustable beds with high-quality motors to minimize noise.

Do adjustable beds require a special frame?

Adjustable beds typically come with their own adjustable base or frame. However, some models can be placed on a traditional bed frame or platform bed if the mattress is compatible with the adjustable base.

Are adjustable beds covered by warranties?

Yes, most adjustable beds have warranties covering the motor and other components. Make sure to review the warranty terms and conditions before buying or testing adjustable beds.


In conclusion, adjustable beds provide a versatile and personalized sleep solution for individuals seeking improved comfort and sleep quality. They offer various benefits, including flexibility for sleeping partners, relief for snoring and sleep apnea, customization of sleeping positions, alleviation of Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms, and potential management of sleep paralysis. With the advancement of adjustable bed technology, individuals can now tailor their sleep setup to their specific needs, promoting a more restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.


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